Career Development

A Guide to Staying Focused On Work From Home

Working or studying from home continues to be a most desirable way to work or attend classes. Not having to endure the daily commute or bus into campus, working in your jammies and taking naps when the feeling hits you; these are just some of the perks driving many professionals and students to search for at-home-work and study opportunities.

However, if you decide this is for you, you will face the powerful desire to spend your day napping and watching television. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help your concentration, keeping your work or studying successful as well as based at home. Whether you are working from your house or studying for an online degree, there are some essential things to consider to work productively and successfully.

Set Specific Hours

Not being tied to office hours makes it is possible for you to do your job at any time. This may seem like a sweet deal. However, there are way too many freelance and telecommuters who end up putting social activities ahead of work. Neglecting to establish set hours of work will end with more stress than fighting rush hour traffic.

For students, the same applies. Taking courses online still means you need a schedule. Figure out what your most productive time of the day is and make those your hours of work or study. Not only do you need to respect these hours as time spoken for but tell your friends and family the same.

A Specific Place

It is vital to set up an area at home that is dedicated solely to your work or studying. Buy office desks, office chairs, along with all the supplies you need right where you need them, to contribute to a positive environment.  Allowing yourself to be distracted by the home phone, family members on the internet, or having to get continually up to find a pen or stapler will knock away at your focus, leading only to stress.

Make Yourself Decent

It is true that the idea of being able to stay in your pajamas all day while working is part of the allure of staying home. In reality, it is a bad work ethic.  Wearing the same outfit that you slept in will keep you yawning all day. Your pajamas make you feel like going to bed and not to work. Set yourself up for success by changing out of your nightgown and into some daytime clothes. This will help you to get into the right frame of mind for studying or work.

Create Limits

There are only 24 hours in each day no matter who you are or what you are doing. When you work or study at home, it instantly appears as though time is never-ending. Each day seems to offer you the chance to procrastinate and still get your work done. To combat this effect, establish deadlines for each task ahead of you. Avoid spending all your time working or studying in one area. Limits will help you focus your energy and have a more productive day.


List the tasks you need to accomplish that day, determining what needs to be done first. Clearly set out what you need to accomplish today and what can be pushed until tomorrow as this will make it easier for you to focus. Make a list of the readings you have to do, or exams and assignments that are coming up.

Break it Up

Never overlook the importance of breaks. When you submerge yourself in a project, hours will slip by easily. This may seem like a good thing however not taking a moment to focus elsewhere will rapidly lead to exhaustion. Every couple of hours or so get away from your desk. The chances are good that when you come back, you will enjoy a greater clarity of thought.

The best way to remain focused while working from home or taking online classes is to dedicate yourself to this endeavor. By setting up a schedule for specific hours devoted to work, having a designated place in which to work, and prioritizing and setting limits to tasks, the likelihood of your at-home adventure be a successful one increases amazingly. Consciously dedicating yourself to your job will guarantee focus and result in your success.

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