Networking The Job Search

Top 15 Tweeple Film Students Should Follow on Twitter

If you’re a film student or just looking to get your films some recognition, you need to network and get noticed.  Entering film festivals is a great way to network and get exposure.  Breaking into any entertainment industry is challenging and competition is fierce so anything you can do to get noticed is important.  Here’s a list of the top 15 “Tweeple” in Film to follow on Twitter to build a PLN and to stay informed about how to get your films exposure.  You may even meet people on Twitter to collaborate with on your next project!

Influential Film Festival Tweeple

  1. @filmfestlounge
  2. @filmfestexpert
  3. @TribecaFilmFest
  4. @fest21
  5. @unerhoert_film
  6. @shortfilmfest
  7. @hollywoodshorts
  8. @southSideFilm
  9. @BuffaloFilmFest
  10. @indefest

Influential Filmmaking Tweeple

  1. @MakingOf
  2. @FilmmakerIQ
  3. @Wreckamovie
  4. @indymogul
  5. @reelclever

Who else in film do you find helpful to follow on Twitter?

You may also want to read:

  1. Why You Need a PLN?
  2. 3 Ways to Find a Job on Twitter
  3. Improve Your Job Search with these Online Resources
  4. What is a Micro Resume?

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