Career Development The Resume

What Hiring Managers Are Looking For In A Resume


What Hiring Managers Are Looking For In A Resume

content provided by Becky W.

Resume’s can be tricky because of the amount of information that is being compressed into a single page.  This one document encapsulates a job seeker’s entire relevant work experience, their educational experience, and what they seek in a career. Their composition is as important to job seekers who are looking to find a career as they are instructive to hiring managers and staffing services, like .net developer staffing, who are looking to build solid workforces. The reason for this is because if you read between the lines, you can learn a lot more about a prospective employee than you might learn from just narrowing in on job titles and degrees. Here are a few of the keywords and details to look for in a resume:

Time lapse—Are there lengthy lapses in time in between jobs? This could signify personal problems or even an unfocused career path. A few months is not a big deal. In this economy, even half a year is understandable, but if a person hasn’t worked in years he or she better have an explanation for it. Another time factor is how long they are working at their jobs. If a job applicant hasn’t stayed with a single company for more than a few months this should be a huge red flag.

What can I do for you—The cover letter is a very valuable part of the resume and a lot can be gleaned from it about an applicant. Specifically, look for candidates that list specific goals and actions that they plan to take that will help the company. How will this applicant help you? A job seeker whose cover letter is more about how badly they need a job and how that job will help them with their career path isn’t likely going to be a great asset. Ask not what your company can do for you, but what you can do for your company.

Skills over degrees—Don’t get me wrong, degrees are important. They demonstrate a devotion to education that should not be disparaged. But sometimes a sound and varied skill set can be more valuable to a company than a degree hanging on the wall. Look for job applicants that have both, but if you have to choose one over the other, consider that many hiring managers are opting for employees who have experience working with many different kinds of software. The reason for this is that industries and job descriptions are changing more rapidly than ever now and you want a workforce that can adapt. These are just a few details to look for in a resume that could help you to narrow in on the right candidate for your company. Job applicants too might benefit from taking a look at these issues and seeing if their resumes make the grade.

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