Career Development

4 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get on with Your Job

Alarm clock

We’ve all been there: Watching the clock, constantly checking our phones for absolutely no reason, eating our lunch several hours before our lunch break, watching videos on YouTube…however you do it, one thing is certain – we all procrastinate! And it’s usually when we have a deadline fast approaching. We all know we should be working but we just end up doing something completely unrelated and pointless instead.

Procrastination can seem like a minor irritant, something which we all put ourselves through, only to massively regret once we’re running out of time. However, if it goes unchecked, procrastination can have a real negative impact on our lives. Delaying work, putting off things, only doing tasks when we’ve run out of other options to avoid it and then starting the cycle all over again. It can literally destroy your ability to achieve results and accomplish our dreams.

So, with this in mind here you’ll find 4 ways to stop procrastinating and get on with your job.

Are you really done?

Many of us fall into the procrastination trap when we’re inbetween tasks. The trick is to keep yourself busy between tasks to avoid putting off what you could do today. For example, if you’ve finished a particular document, check it for grammar and run a plagiarism check using Ask for feedback from a colleague, check your spelling or word count or reread it to ensure it flows well. Then, once you’re satisfied move straight onto the next task.

Evaluate your work environment

Take a look at your workspace. If it’s dusty, cluttered, dark and dingy then you’re not going to want to spend any time there. If you work in an office block, then take steps to make it a little more inspiring. A potted plant to help purify the air, a clean and tidy space, pictures, organise your files and documents etc. Bear in mind that these environments get stale very quickly, so look at changing things around every few weeks.

Spend time with people who inspire you

You might sit next to someone you really get along with at work, however if they’re regularly avoiding work and slacking off then you’re more likely to pick up on their bad habits or use their laid back approach to justify your own procrastination. Try to spend a little more time with others in your team who enjoy challenges and want to succeed. You’ll be amazed at how their can-do attitude can influence your day.

Remove your procrastination triggers

Maybe your browser bookmarks are making it far too easy to distract yourself. Or maybe you just can’t stop yourself from falling into an hours long YouTube binge. Whatever makes you switch from proactivity to procrastination, remove it! Try putting all those web addresses in a sperate folder or keep your phone in a different room for a while. Sometimes simply turning off your phone notifications means we’re less likely to pick up our devices.

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